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Vocabulary and Structufe(15points)

Directtonis:nere are 15 incomplete sentences in this sectian.For each sentence there are fourhoices maked A,B,C and D. choose one answer, that best completes the sentence and blacken thecorresponding letter on the Answr Sheet.

1.Due to the financial crisis, the stock prices(D)by 25% since last November.

A. fall  B.are faiied C.were falling D. have falleen

2.The university library requires that students,(B) the books.they haveborrowed in time. 

A. to return B.return C. returning D. returned

3.He is one of the many people (C)scientific careers were influenced by Yuan Longping's achievements.

A. who B. when C. whose D. which

4.It was a very difficult examination, ( D )he passed it with a high score!

A. Similarly B. Additionally C.Therefore D. Nevertheless

5.As John grew taller, his mother sorted out his clothes that needed(C)anddonated them to those in need.

A. replace B. replaces C. replacing D. replaced

6. -These mooncakes are delicious

-But I think the ones with nuts are(D) of all.

A. delicious B.more delicious C.most delicious D.the most delicious

7. The boy's parents were trying to have a conversation, but he kept (C )

A. catting out B.catting in C. cutting across D.cutting back

8. The management is open(C)suggestions on how working conditions can be improved.

A. at B. for C. to D. with

9. Travelling with a dog, you make friends ( D ) you make friends

A. whatever B.whoever C. which D. wherever

10. (C )a fire door does is to delay the spread of a fire long enough for people to escape.

A. That B.How C.What D.Which

IV.Reading Comprehension(60 points)

Directions:There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by fourquestions.For each question there are four suggested answers marked ABC and D.Choose the bestanswer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

When I was around 10 years old, I remember staying at my great aunt and uncle's in Derbyshire. I visited themevery simmer, and this particular yeaythey gave me à plastic camera that they'd received free with purchase. I felt like I'd been given the world .

I remember the joy of photographing everything I could' sending them to Triple Print and waiting for the results, In the past, I haye boxes and boxes of prints,all of memories: photos of blue skies, brightly coloured gardens, photos of us girls pulling faces, and my brother's bike.

As I matured, I took photography classes and learnt how to develop and process photos.! learnt about composition and how to make photos attractive. 

As soon as prinsant abums. There was such a pleasure in reeling the photos in your hands and of adding them.

Over,time, photography has progressed-it's simple to capture every detail of your day: your meals, your workout, your night out. Our entire lives can be documented in form. But what do´we do with those images?

Are they lost forever to theCloud (云盘)?

I've spent inany an hour gomg through my granddad's photo collection,wondering who all the faces were, why they were all,dressed up that particular

day, what they were laughing at, or who owned the car in the background. I treasure my own printed photos, andal the memories they bring to me. I still print photos from my phone and display them around my house. Once they're down, I'll store them in a memory box before the next lot goes up on display.

Maybe, in years to come, my future generations will discover them and laugh at our sense of fashion and the silly faces that we pull.

36.What did the author receive from her great aunt and uncle one year?( C)

A.A small box

B.A family album

C.A plastic camera

D.A beautiful photo

37.Which of the following appeared in the photos by the author when she was young?( A)

A.Blue skies

B.Cute dogs.

C.Naughty dogs

D.Dirty faces

38.What does the author imply about digital photos?( B )

A.They are easily deleted

B.They are likely to be neglected

C.They are conveniently stored

D.They are preferred by the younger generation

39.What is the passage mainly about?(D)

A.Using camera to document nature

B.Finding fun in processing photos

C.Enjoying taking photos with family

D.Recalling the past through photos

Passage Five

V.Daily Conversation(15points)

Directions:pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete thefollowing dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on th Answer Sheet.

Y: Good afternoonm


Y: Yes, please. I'm Dennis Yang, I have an appointment with Mr. Lang this afternoon.

S: Well, Mr.Yang, your appointment is at 3 p.m.(57)

Y: I'm sorry, I've come here too early.

S: It's okay.(58) 

Y: Sure.

S: Would you like something to drink? Coffee, tea, or water?

Y: (59) Thank you.

S: (60)


56. Good afternoon.

57. Your appointment is at 3 p.m.

58 It's okay.

59. Yes, please.

60,Not at the moment, thank you.


Directions:For this part ,you are supposed to writh an e-mail in about 100-120 words based onthe following situation.Remember to write it clearly.

61.新学期伊始,你(LYuan) 申请加入学校环保社团,请你写一篇申请信。包括介绍自己,申请加入这个社团的原因,期望在这个社团担任的职务,对社团发展的建议

Subject: Application for Joining the School Environmental Club

Dear School Environmental Club Committee,

My name is Li Yuan, a sophomore majoring in Environmental Science. I am writing to express my keen interest in joining your esteemed club, as I am passionate about environmental conservation and eager to contribute my efforts towards sustainable practices.

The reason for my application stems from my academicbackground and personal dedication to environmental issues. I have always been actively 

involved in environmental projects, volunteering at local clean-ups and participating in tree planting events. I believe that joining your club would provide me with a platform to further my knowledge and engage with like-minded individual.

I am particu!arly interested in taking on the role of Project Coordinator,where can utilize my organizational skills to plan and execute environmental initiatives.

I am confident that my leadership and commitment can bring valuable insights to the club.

To enhance the club's development, I suggest organizing more interacti workshops on recycling and sustainable living which coura raise awaren among students and faculty. Additionally, collaborating with other school environmental clubs for joint projects could amplify our impact.

I am looking forward to the opportunity to work with you all and make a positiye difference in our community. Thank you for considering my application.

Warm regards,

Li Yuan


本文标签:发布人:第九城小说网 湖南成考 成考公告 2024年湖南成人高等学校招生全国统一考试专升本英语(真题回忆版)









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